If you train hard, you will probably see results quickly. However, training more does not always equal more results.

If your goal is fat loss, calorie balance is what really matters, not hours on the treadmill. Training harder and harder to compensate for a poor diet almost never works. Instead, focus on getting your diet right as well as structuring your training correctly. Training more also means a larger appetite and an increased chance of injury.

For fat loss, include a moderate amount of training to help improve overall fitness and health, but avoid trying to hit your goals by training more and more.

If you’re looking to build muscle, this occurs through a process of training, which damages and tears muscle fibres, followed by recovery, during which muscles rebuild themselves larger and better than before. In other words, you get fitter and stronger when you rest.

If you train hard all the time, your muscles don’t get a chance to rebuild themselves between workouts. This means worse results than you would get if you trained less, and increases the risk of injury. If you start your workouts fatigued, or find your performance is getting worse the more you train, you’re probably not resting enough!