Follow these 5 tricks to make sure you look your best during the party season and don’t start 2020 with a weight loss resolution!

Tip 1

Plan your festive period

When you know you have big nights or big meals planned you can adjust your week to accommodate the excess consumption. Eat lighter on the days leading up to and after these to keep calorie intake within your needs overall.

Tip 2

Get back to good habits

If you have a heavy night or big day of food get back to good habits sooner rather than later. Start the next day with a healthy high protein breakfast with lots of nutrient dense foods like berries and vegetables.

Tip 3

Don’t drink all your calories!

A huge amount of the festive calories come not from food but from the drink. Obvious examples being booze and festive coffees. A quick fix is to go for low calorie options like sugar free syrups in coffee and lighter alcoholic drinks like gin and slimline tonic.

Tip 4

Snack smart

A lot of festive snacks pack a high calorie punch. Nuts, dried fruit, crisps and chocolate all with 500- 700 calories per 100g. Keeping Christmas snacking to a minimum will help keep your calories in check.

Tip 5

Don’t try to out train your diet

Keeping exercise levels up is important, especially when the dark nights and mornings kick in and gets that bit harder to stick with it. But don’t rely on training alone to keep your progress in check. You need to eat within your needs and keep exercise levels up for a fit, healthy and fun Christmas!